Peering into the crowded looking glass

Checked my head at the door

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So I was busy doing last minute preparing (scrambling) for my solo gig this Friday, and when I returned home on Sunday, I left my amp and guitar on the front porch ALL NIGHT.

Apparently I checked my head at the door, leaving my baby at on the porch... What's worse, I didn't even know I left it on the porch. My dad found it the next day and put it inside. Yep, this is why I don't have any kids! I can just imagine the conversation: "Oh, FYI, you left baby jim on the porch all night. He was OK except for a few leaves that fell in his chair and a few tears on his bib from the racoons."

My only "defence" was that I was super tired and got home from my 2nd band practice that same day at around midnight Sunday. Ok, that's all I got. Man, the gods were smiling on me since my guitar/amp was there the next morning.

OI! Let's hope the gig Friday is as good as my luck these days!


"Eat drink and be merry"

1 Responses to “Checked my head at the door”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you are a very bad man


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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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