Peering into the crowded looking glass


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This was a JAM PACKED weekend, but i guess it's always like this on the summer. Aint it great?! For those who flee away from Toronto to do things, I am quite the opposite; i find that there's so much action here, i am content w/just staying and saving the time/money going somewhere else. That's not to say i'm NOT going away, as i am planning a few weekend trips too :).

This weekend I held a bachelor party, had SBF's bday and (as part of the bday) went with SBF across downtown toronto to catch Fringe Toronto 2005.

Last year I was only able to catch 2 Fringe shows. This year I was able to double it (SBF made it to FIVE shows... BLAST HIM!!!), which i'm happy about. I just love the Fringe Festival because of such a wide range of shows. Yes, there are always the few "WTF was that?" plays, giving way to the "Cringe Festival" of shows. It's always hit and miss with indepenent stuff. I have to say that all 4 shows were completely different: a coming of "gay-ge" one man show, an 1890's period piece about prostitution in the Yukon Gold Rush, a witty office space meets aliens from outer space farce, and a crass absurdist sketch comedy only hilarious when you don't try to make any sense out of it.

SBF was thinking of volunteering next year, which may be a good idea b/c then you will have a really good pulse on what's hot and more importantly, what's not! It sounds like a good idea, so you can help support the FRINGE as well as see the shows for free.

One of the best parts about FRINGE is how it evolves throughout the week. At the beginning most of the acts are on the same level, and as ppl see each play the buzzing and whizzing moves like lightning and soon you have ppl lining up for hours to see the show. No matter how much you plan, you really don't know what you'll be seeing in the week, and how it will all pan out. You've just gotta roll with it, and be prepared to run around from show to show. they give out 50% tix at the door, which i think is great, lending itself to last minute decisions and ensuring that people who buy tickets GO to the show!

There are so many more I wish i could have seen; if only i wasn't working :). Ah well, for sure next year i'll be looking to go for at least 5 shows, if not more!



"You better be careful making this sod house because of your baby"
"That's OK. I'm carrying a still baby"
"Well, it will STILL be hurting when it comes out!" -The Remainders, Toronto Fringe 2005

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