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Round 2

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Well, it’s about 12:45 AM on April 4, and I’m about to head for the second round of Barium Testing @ 9AM. This one involved 2 days of a clear liquid only diet as pre-work. Boy, I thought my natural foods diet was bad! This has been horrible! The first day was the worst, since I was hungry as soon as I got up on Saturday. Drinking clear juices, broth and tea got VERY old by nightfall. I was getting urges to puke and the shakes.

Day 2 was a bit better, but rough since this day involved drinking 1 bottle of Magnesium Citrate laxative as well as taking laxative pills 2 hrs after that. Boy, that did the trick of clearing out ANYTHING left in my digestive tract! I feel as clean as ever baby, with my pipes cleaned! :)

So hopefully tomorrow won’t be too intense. Last week was brutal due to the reaction I had to the barium in my system (see last post). I don’t know if it will be worse because my stomach is now totally raw and clear. I’ve had my second thoughts about doing all this next test, but since I’m already almost there, I might as well do it. If these tests are negative, then I think it’s about time to throw in the towel.

The naturopath has helped me dearly through the past 10 months of conventional medicine waiting/testing, as I have now more often and regular bowel movements, less pain and even gaining weight! I know this is good weight since I’ve been on a quite a low fat/natural diet over the past 4 months. To be honest, my conventional medicine stomach doc has been useless because he hasn’t given me any diagnosis or advice on what I should be doing/eating since I started last spring/summer. I have been the one bringing up suggestions to help my stomach and questions on testing for certain stomach illnesses. IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

After this set I’m to switching stomach doctors. I kinda have to anyway b/c he’s leaving anyway, which is a good thing for him.

Ok, off to bed. Wish me luck, and no stabbing pains afterward!

(fingers crossed)


"(eat) drink and be merry"

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