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The Move!

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Moving Day! Friday was the big day, with the movers coming in and taking our stuff to the new house. It was quite funny since the new house is only 1 block away :). But it makes a ton of difference.

The new house is away from a really busy side street that many Yonge St. drivers take as an alternate route. It’s quite hectic especially before/after school, because there are 6 schools within a 5 minute drive of my house.

I had the day off from work to help out w/my parents during the move. But my luck, I got a bad case of an office flu that hit HARD 4:00 PM Thursday night. I was out with severe aches and pains, headache, stuffed nose and sore throat. I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen so fast. Usually it’s a sore throat, some sniffling and the next day it hits you. This time I was at work perfectly fine by the afternoon, and could actually feel the virus go into each part of my body within 2 hours. It was crazy.

Rather then being a help on moving day, I was more like a dead weight. My dad told the movers just to move my bed with me in it into the truck, and to be honest, if they did that I wouldn’t have noticed!

Today I feel much better, and can help out a bit more. It’s some kind of 24 hr. knockout virus or something. I have been able to help out by unpacking the basement rec room and upstairs washroom, with the internet hooked up and washroom looking liveable. Even though I was deathly sick, I still mustered the strength to set up my room. It’s a tighter space than my old room, however I took out a piece of furnature to help give it the illusion of a bigger room than it is. Good thing I don’t need too much in my room—all I need to add is my sleek Damien Rice frame and a few candle accents and I’m good (until I move out!). heh. Next week I should be of more use, however most of the big work is already done!

I think I may take a day off work on Monday just incase, b/c I don’t want to spread it to anyone else there, and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the workload given the sad state I’m in! We’ll see how I feel though!

Take care,


“eat drink and be merry”

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