On the weekend I went to see a production of "Banana boys". Yep, that's right, a play about CBC (Canadian Born Chinese) guys like me! I've heard a lot about it from friends, work collegues as well as around the city. I have to say there has been a lot of buzz for a small theatre performace at the Factory Theatre.
This play is adapted from the novel (of the same title) by Terry Woo. I've never read the book, so i'm only going to talk about what I saw. This play is about 5 Banana Boys (i.e. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside) living Canada. It's outlines their struggles with acceptance in society, feeling a loss of identity of being in the middle of Chinese and Canadian culture -- not to mention trying to find their true love (or just plain heterosexual sex!).
Each of the characters had their own distinct personal conflict, each turning to their own vice to cope: drugs, alochol, or just violence. We actually recongnized one of the actors who is actually queer in real life. He played the "i need acceptance from my parents so i'll be a doctor, when all i want to be is a writer" character. There was a hilarious scene where his struggle was illustrated by a game show -- let's just say it involved a stretcher and an asian mom kicking his ass in a wrestling ring!!
There was also a funny military scene literally demonstrating the "war" that banana boys have to get women: [Picture a war chart, like the ones you see in submarines. This one is showing a venn diagram of Banana boys and women] "What are we banana boys left with? [points to chart] 1. Quake (you see the video game logo) 2. Born again Christians 3. Computer geeks!"
Overall it was a good show. I got lost a few times becuase of all the jump cuts from past / present / future (not in that order!). There were also some hilarious CBC references and the compulsary hilarious impressions of asian mothers!!
"WHA? You not want to be doktor? Wha 'bout mama and dad? Who pay bills? Who take care of us when we old? Don't you love us danny?" :)
Gold. Just gold.
I think i'm going to get more into live theatre, whether it be smaller amateur productions (like this one), or the bells and whistles stratford-esque shows. It was a great time and i just love how creative the actors are in using their limited props. I don't know if I talked about his before, but I saw another production called "INANA", based on Sumarian mythology during the Fringe festival. The way they used their surroundings (it was performed outside on a school yard) was phenomenal. 1/2 way during the show they had the audience move to the other side of the yard, respresenting the "walk to the underworld". Genious. Pure genious.
Anyway, now i really regret not seeing the Shakespeare in high park. SBF and I kept trying to go, but something kept coming up. As i always say, "I'll go next summer for sure!"
Take care,
"eat drink and be merry"
QUESTION: Does anyone know of a comments provider (like Halogen, the one i'm using) that is totally free? I have just found out that the one i used blocks ALL comments after 3 months, unless i pay up!!! bah!
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