Peering into the crowded looking glass


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My parents sold our house this Thanksgiving Weekend!

They’ve actually had it up for sale for a few weeks now, and we actually took it off the market last week since it was getting close to the winter. We didn’t want to close the deal during the Xmas holidays.

Anyway, our agent was busy last week with a few other clients and hadn’t officially took our house off the market on the system. Apparently another agent found it and tried to contact us late last week, just before our agent could take it off the system.

My parents were away for a wedding, and I’m never home during weekends and they couldn’t get a hold of us until the middle of the long weekend. I think it made them feel a bit more frantic about the house since we were so chill and slow to respond. Most times with houses you can call and basically see the house the same night. Waiting 3 days can cause a little concern, especially if the house is going to be put off the market!

Anyway, all was well and we set up a time for them to see the place. Within a day they had an offer for us, and that night we finalized negotiations and got the deal closed!

So it looks like I’m moving again, for the ___th time :). I actually like it, since it brings change and fresh starts. It also helps to minimize the pack-rat syndrome of families who have been in their homes for a long long time. Even with us being here for 6 years, we’ve accumulated a lot of crap. I say I like it now, but I know I’ll be cursing when moving in the freezing old of Jan 30, 2005 (our closing date).

Another thing is that it keeps my dad, i.e. Chang Vila busy. I know he’s been nicking for stuff to do, and an entire new house will keep his mind busy for a while. It’s now time to start hunting for a new home. It’s much much more fun than selling, that’s for sure! I’m hoping I can convert my new room into a 1/2 studio and 1/2 bedroom, or perhaps convert a room into a mini-studio from the start. We’ll see, depending on the size of house we can find!

The hunt is on!

Take care,


“Garage Sale. Saturday. I need to pay
my heart's outstanding bills.
…a sense of wonder only slightly used
a year or two to haunt you in the dark.” -Weakerthans

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