Peering into the crowded looking glass

The Best Man

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2 weeks ago I was the best man for the first time at a wedding. I have to say it was more work than I thought it would be, seeing that it wasn't my wedding! I have no regrets about it though, and i would do it again in a second - especially when I saw it all come to fruition on the wedding day. The day went very smoothly, and I gave my "best man" speech w/o any tomatoes thrown at me, so i think it went well (Note: i may got a few 's from ppl when describing someo of the "events" from university, but I guess you can't make everyone happy!)

Let's get something straight, I didn't do THAT much, and i noticed that on the wedding day when there were so many little details covered, which must have taken days/months to prepare.

I've always been the guy who just gets an invitation from those whom i barely even know. I'd be part of the family who was invited, and not really important as to whether i'd be there, given that my parents would provide sufficient representation regardless. I've really taken the whole wedding thing for granted. I just thought of it was some event that i'd pop into, celebrating the new stage in their lives..

.. but i never REALLY put serious thought into the work that needs to get put into one big day. After working at a promotions/event marketing company, I've related one of those events to a full-out wedding. Now I better understand the work that goes into it! And some weddings are probably close to the same budgets that i've worked with, which is insane. The difference is, i'm getting paid and have a team of ppl working with me on the event. In this case, the bride/groom are pretty much on their own, except for some help with family/friends when they have time. Luckily for this wedding the parents were a major help (e.g. made the wedding cake by hand!), which was great.

Who knows, may be one day i'll get married, now that the laws are beginning to change. It could be fun, since the reception is really a mega party - may be make it a theme party, where someone gets chosen for a 1-hour makeover! Cmon ppl, i know there's at least one uncle Bill or cousin John who's acidwash tapered jeans, frazzled and thinning hair and oil stained classic rock t-shirt collection in your family who'll need it!

As you can see, the wedding thing is something that i've never thought seriously about, and i'm not about to anytime soon - there's too much on the go right now!

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

1 Responses to “The Best Man”

  1. Blogger Corwin 

    What's a "'s"?

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