Peering into the crowded looking glass

They come as they go

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So last week during the brutal weather I had a random phone call from a friend whom I just met about a month or so ago. He's the guy who i talked about in an entry where I have about five 2nd degree connections with, who went to NT high school in his younger years.

Off To... what else but..!
Anyway, he's going away for a half year to (what else) teach english in Asia. What a great thing for so many ppl to do: You get to travel and explore the world and getting financed for it. You're also giving back by helping people learn the dominant language, assisting in future development and competitiveness in the global marketplace. Who am i kidding, it pays pretty well and you can party!

Last week we went to the Timothy's Café by my house, near Yonge and Lawrence, just before the grotesque Super Pet sign. As I said, it was during the crazy snowstorm, so i appreciated him making the effort to come to my neck of the woods, from wherever he lives.

It's funny b/c i've only met up him two times, and it feels like we should have known each other for much longer. He has many of the similar traits as myself, and it's very easy to chat with him, b/c we can relate on many levels: asian, music (e.g. he likes Death Cab!), hilarous gay adventures, our schools, culture jamming and business. I'm a more socialist than he is, however from our discussions it seems that he has a solid understanding of the issues, and right now focusing on a career of financial success & wealth in his life: He's going to law school after he's done his 6 month teaching contract. I'm sure he'll be off to BC or Dalhousie or something like that when he gets back. Mergers and Acquisitions Law? I surely hope not :)

Anyway, life is all about timing. At least we did cross paths before he went off to his travels. I know he's got his own set of friends he's much closer to (as i have much much closer to me), but i know one day we'll meet up again... it could be one of those once every 6 months deals, or something. Who knows, it will just happen as it happens. I don't know what i'll be doing, but I do know that i'll be with the band and working somewhere....! We'll see. just goes to show that you never think the 'what could have been' until it can't be anymore.

Grass is greener eh? And no, get your mind out of the gutter, im not interested in him in THAT way! :P. Who knows, it could turn out that we totally don't mesh and it's just from my own assumptions, filling in what I don't know about him. It could have all been a front, and it would have been more apparent had we met up more!

It makes me really be grateful for my own past few months, b/c i have been doing a lot of reconnecting and strengthening of relationships since coming back in September. I would be very hardpressed to leave, since i've only begun to really develop my close social network of friends!

Take care,


"Say hello and wave goodbye" -m.almond

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