Peering into the crowded looking glass

Superbowl XXXIIVICMIVI...etc

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This year's superbowl was actually quite a good game. I usually only watch 1 NFL game per year, so i've met my quota. They won the game by a field goal (3 points) that was hit with only 1 minute remaining in the game. If the guy missed, then it would have gone to sudden death overtime. Go Carolina! i'm glad that the underdog did so well this time around.

The superbowl is more about comrodery than anything, because usually it's a huge blowout and boring to watch (even for the actual football fans). This year it was actually engaging, and there were some great plays made. The halftime show unfortunately "stole the show" with the Janet Jackson / Timberlake exposed breast. Funny thing is, i didn't see it as being THAT bad, and it took me until the next day when the barrage of media (word of mouth, radio, tv) that the issue came to my mind.

What a great publicity stunt eh? They've got a big buzz, and perhaps a bit too big-- since many ppl were offended by this. Shame since this year the game was actually GOOD, and is now overshadowed by a breast.

Gig at Renaissance Café
On the weekend I also had a gig at the Renaissance cafe. It was for a book signing, and my band was the musical guest. It turned out to be quite packed, and we made some good money as well as exposure. It's great to get back out there and playing, since it's been about 2 months since our last gig. I've been working with a website guy on our website, and hopefully it will be up this month. I'll be sure to post the site when it goes live!

We also had a guest drummer perform with us for a few our our songs. He played the jimbaye (i'm sorry, i have no idea how to spell this one), adding in some groove and a solid beat to our stuff. It took a bit of work to get it all towork, since he was learning our stuff on the fly. Despite problems with accelerating tempo, i think we managed well -- From the audience members that i've talked to they didn't seem to notice it too much, and that's what truely matters! Once a drummer is with us more often, we should be bang on the click in no time.

Bday party
On the weekend I also went to a friend's bday party. It was good times, with tons and tons of food! It was a classic filipino dinner, buffet style. Because my friend lives out in Scarborough, i'm usually late arriving. But this time I was there in the afternoon, and got to eat the dinner HOT!, as they were coming out of the kitchen. Em em em!! No more sloppy seconds, this tme it's FCFS (first come first serve---arugh, accounting class is still in my mind) in my favour!

I also felt bad b/c we were planning on playing some Cranium that night. They recently purchased the game and hadn't yet broken it in yet. A few ppl were asking about it in as nice a way as possible, waiting for us to get it going.. and before we knew it, we had made a KICKASS chill CD, smoked a few, and were testing in out in his room.. (my picture doesn't work.. pretend it's here)

..oops, it was then suddenly 6 a.m. and they left.. I still feel bad b/c i know ppl were looking forward to it.. so next time I hope to make it up to everyone!

Wow, that was quite an eventful weekend. time to take a break, but wait, it's Monday... heh.

take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

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