Peering into the crowded looking glass

Some Dancing, Some Live Acts, Some Travelling...

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Over the weekend, I went to see a friend perform at a dance show called 'EMBRACE' by a UofT dance group called 'The Only Human Dance Collective' (TOHDC). It was held at a very nice UofT Theatre, with balcony and orchestra seating.

I got some great seats on the balcony, so we can have a good view of all the dancers performing. The show, this year entitled "EMBRACE", showcases a variety of classical and modern dance styles, embracing all dancers and choreographers from UofT. Their mandate was for total acceptance of anyone who wants to participate, resulting in a show with dancers from all skill levels. This event reminds me of the Laurier dance show called "Fashon 'N Motion", but that was much much much more cliquey than this one, since TOHDC takes in everyone. The show still had that "college feel" with friends in the audience yelling out "GOOOO SARAH!!" before they performed. Gosh, the memories.

Although I'm not used to watching modern dance, or any dance in general, I had a good time! Each number lasted about 2-3 mins, so it was quite intense; I must have seen 30-40 different ones that night. It was also exciting to see my friend on stage for numerous numbers too, however I was a bit stressed during those ones, hoping that he wouldn't screw up!

There some pop songs from artists such as Janet Jackson, christina, and Evanescence, as well as older artist slike Janis and the Temptations (WAR). There were also classical pieces and a few experimental ones to round the evening. It was great to see the dancers having so much fun, b/c that's what it's all about. It was a sold out show, and I could feel the energy from the stage toward us. It wasn't about absolute perfection and arrogance, but just students expressing their artistic side in the way of dance. How cool is that?

The only criticism is one that dancers cannot really change, since i'm finding it's inherent in ANY dancer. By this I mean the difference between listening to the music or the lyrics. There are times when i listen to the music first, but when i can understand what the vocalist is saying, i will first draw my attention to that, using that as the driver for the song. All the music for my band is inspired by a lyric or a meaning, driving the rest of the music to bring it all to life. But most dancers (obviously) are instinctively drawn to the beat. It makes sense, since that's what they do! So what am i complaining about?

Well, some of the dance numbers had little to do with the meaning of the song, and only the "groove" and/or perhaps taking from just the title lyric for inspriation. For example, there was one song that spoke something about a daze of a woman he is falling for, his body yearning to be with her, and doesn't want to be fooled by her power. He's close, but has a feeling that his love means nothing to her, and feels like a fool under her spell.

What do we see? A huge dance off where one side of dancers faces another, in that Christina Aguilera video way.. and they're wearing spanish-inspired clothing, perhaps b/c the guitars had a latino flavour. It was still a great performance, don't get me wrong, but if you listened to the lyrics you'd want them to show intimacy, the electric spark and coy behaviour between the 2 lover, not 15 or so ppl dancing and putting in flips and spins for the sake of it. But again, they're dancers :). I'm sure dancers would say the same thing for singer songwriters -- "Some of their music is so boring, grueling and lifeless -- you need a good beat in there!"

One song performed was called "Aint no sunshine." I really liked the song and afterwards downladed it, seeing who it was by. It turns out it was from AMERICAN IDOL. THE SHAME! How sad is that? Pathetic, i've degraded myself to enjoying pre-packaged built to sell manufactured music... Got any milk with that?

A Night With Stereophonics and Howie Day
Tonight I just got back from a concert at the Kool Haus where Stereophonics and Howie Day performed. I won free tix to the concert from eye weekly, from correctly answering a question about Stereophonics. I must say it was a good question, considering you'd have to know a little something from the band to answer it:

Q: What b-side from the Tragically Hip did Stereophonics cover?

Overall it was a fun show, especially b/c it was free! Howie was the opener, and he was good as well. He didn't do the funky petal layering stuff that he's known for, b/c now he finally has a band behind him! Because he started alone, most of his songs were still ballads, and I think now he just needs to write songs with full bands in mind.. sound familiar? :)

The Stereophonics set was also great, playing a lot of the older stuff that I know. They did play some newer stuff (which to me are the last 2 albums), which sounded pretty good too.

I found that the crowd was a bit subdued; it could be because of the weather. Or perhaps it was because the band is starting to get past his peak? I'm not sure. Ah well, I still had a great time and was super happy just to be there getting my concert fix for the month! :)

Kingston here I come
Since i don't start my new job until next Monday, I've decided to go to Kingston for a few days. Why the 'STONE? My thoughts exactly. Basically, I didn't want to go too far b/c of cost and b/c of time, since i need to be back for a gig with my band on Friday. Kingston is a great choice b/c there are four different friends whom I would love to visit and see how they're doing. I'm also going to be attending a social justice class, and i'd love to see what the prof has to say there. I don't think i'll open my big mouth, but we'll see :)

I also dyed my hair. It's burgundy! I had a craving to colour it, and add some life in this bleak winter months. the thing is, I don't know how work will take it, since I know that i need to be professional in front of the clients. So i may have to colour it back next week, which would be a shame, but I want to start on the right foot at this job first. Perhaps after a positive repertoire with the clients / company is established, then we can work on adding in colour in the office! :). I will take some photos with my NEW DIGITAL CAMERA, so you can all see it before it goes...!

So it's off to the STONE for me!

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

A: Fiddler's Green

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