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Finally, the day has come. I have finally landed a JOB! It's been quite the long haul, i must say. Months and months of this turmoil. I have done my set of corporate interviews for a while, i can tell you that! At least in the future I have lots of experience sitting in interviews, and hopefull there's nothing that will suprise me anymore...

...May be i'll be on the OTHER SIDE of the table. Yes, that will be a much better position to be in eh?

I got a job at an Integrated Marketing Communications company, a fancy way of calling themselves an Advertising agency. I'm not going into why they don't call it that, to save your time and energy -- kinda like how we don't question how the hell the microwave works.. (uhh micro "waves" heat it up, and it was developed by NASA way back.. and it cooks my TV dinners!)

I'll be an account coordinator there, working in the account management side of the business, though i'll be working closely with the creatives and the production groups too. It's great since i'll be working on a major account in the US and well as new business, pitching our campaign ideas to potential profit/non-profit clients. So there will be some travel to the US, but at least it will be a paid trip :)

Boy, it's been awhile since i've really flexed my marketing muscles. Sure, the part time work I have been doing required some marketing, but it was mainly in terms of sales. I have been waiting for a big presentation to the central I.T. advisory committee, but so far it doesn't show any sign of it materializing in the near future. And i also need some income!! I do believe it is a great project, but the timing is off for me. I need to get some more work experience rather than focusing my time on entrepreneural efforts right now.. i don't have the capital or savings to sustain it -- perhaps after 5-10 years i may, but not now. arugh. well, i hope to remain in contact and help them out as much as i can in the future.

I'm glad i can really put my creative and analytical side to this new career, and get great experience in the industry. What's also great is that they're supportive of the band already, and in fact my account supervisor gave me a few places/people to talk to already! She's very cool, very driven and hopefully we'll work well together.

I know that i may get flak from some peer groups and even family about my decision to take this position, since i am quite anti-mass consumerism and centralized media ownership, but honestly, they can't top the damage i've already done myself already. I did make a strong effort to try and work in social marketing, and got relatively close for example with JWT. In the end i just did not have the paper qualitifications (e.g. 4 yrs working or 2-3 years charitable work experience) to be considered past the 1st round. I could bearly even make it past the telephone screening!

Working here can give me great experience, and i hope to stay here a while. My long term goals of social marketing will keep me going, and i know that this is one step in the right direction for me. If others contest it, then they're just being shit disturbers b/c i can just as easily put them in their place for their social/ethical/moral/political/economic and environmental choices that they have made in their lives. Perhaps that's what i'll do -- If someone wnats to take me b/c they feel like putting me down or causing grief, then let's go. John Maclean is ready for anything...yippe kay-yea Mr. Falcon!*

Take care,


"eat drink and be mery"

*a reference to a saying by Bruce Willis in "Die Hard", censored on cable TV.

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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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