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The Notwist
Lee's Palace


Right now i'm listening to Notwist on iTunes, coming back from a "Notwist" show. This is because i only heard ONE song from their library of tunes! A SHAM! FOUL!

I bought tix to see The Notwist, a cool amibent electronic band. They're kinda like Death Cab but a bit more experimental. I go to the show a bit late b/c i heard that they'd be on at 11PM. I get there at 10:30PM and "13&God" come on stage. Kinda late, i'm thinking, but whatever, may be it will be a short 1/2 hr set.
    11:10PM "hm.. may be it's a 45 min set. 2 or 3 more songs TOPS."
    11:20PM "OK, see you later!" (my friend leaves b/c she's gotta get home)
    11:30PM "Thanks again! good night Toronto!" -- "oh great, they're done.. man, i'm gonna be toast tomorrow. Hope it's worth it"
    11:31PM "What? The opener is doing an Encore? This is a first. May be they're a bit opener band...?"
    11:40PM "Another encore? What, they're doing a cover of a Notwist song... !!! HOLY SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE BLOODY IT"
    11:50PM "ANOTHER ENCORE?! Make it stop. please. This joke is on me, isn't it..."
After the last encore everyone leaves. Bewilderment turned to sheer RAGE when i saw on the handwritten sign:

‘NOTWIST and THEMSELVES’ Performing as ‘13 and God’.

Yes, it was a spinoff band a Notwist member or 2 in it! I feel so cheated! Even my ticket says "Notwist". No wonder why their "cover" of Pilot sounded so good. It had the singer/guitarist performing it!!

Man o man, gotta love it. what can i say. Instead of chill electronic i saw triphop/raprock collaboration, with a guy w/a mini red mohawk wearing 1/2 an angel's wing rapping "I am the bank. Stay in debt! Stay in debt!". Not to mention some drunk guy yelling a deafening WAAAAAA--HAH----HOOOO all throughout. That should have been the tip-off telling me this wasn't going to be the ambient electronic experience i was looking for.

A plague on ticketmaster's ticket houses!!


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