Peering into the crowded looking glass

Explanation please?


Can someone explain the $.99 China sandal import phenomenon please? I am seeing these pieces of plastic everywhere! It's getting WAY out of hand. Sure, it's a great $ deal but wearing this out with a dazzling dress doesn't make sense to me?

Is the new "thing" what 40-year-old Asian women get b/c it's a good deal? I somehow doubt these girls who have are getting it b/c of the deal, since they're wearing $80 AE tops, $50 pleated skirts, $100 MAC makeup, and of course accessorized with their cell phone, oversize shades and a hot pink iPod mini.

I am out of words. These are just hideous. Someone help me out here. A fashion NIGHTMARE this summer! What is the heat doing to these girls?!


:eat drink and be merry:

PRIDE 2005


Happy PRIDE everyone!

Boy, it was a hot and humid PRIDE this year, that's for sure. This weekend was especially busy because it was SBF's dance show on the same weekend! Go figure. I'll first start with the dance show.

SBF's dance show was the first of his dance company, which was newly formed last year. I have to say that I was throughly impressed by the show, given that everyone has day jobs and does this on the side. I helped out by designing their ads and display pieces, which I am happy i did to help them out - they had enough on their plate!

It's so great to see such a stellar roster of individuals who have this as their creative outlet, executing it with class and professionalism. SBF was so great at the show, and in my opinion was one of the biggest crowd pleasers :). As i watched i thought "man, what i am i doing in my spare time!?". Now that my band is kaput, i don't have any long term projects on the go. I have met a friend who want to collaborate on some music this summer, which i'm super excited to see how that one ends up! I've also got talking to a few other ppl who are interested in something, so we'll see where i end up musically. May be take up some photography? I am obsessed w/taking photos (i have thousands on my computer to date), so perhaps i should take that more seriously.*

Pride this year wasn't as insane as the last. It's primarly due to:

    1) INTENSE WEATHER! I don't respond well to extreme humid heat, and walking in 40+ weather all afernoon doesn't help!

    2) GETTING OLDER! Yep.. the charm is wearing off, and rather than being the time to GO ALL OUT GAY OR GO HOME, it's more about just having a general good time, supporting everyone and being in a completely safe space...And that's what i think it's all about.
It's daunting for me to find out about walls that i've forgotten that are up in my everyday life. One is "PDA" (public displays of affection). I have NEVER been comfortable with this, and this includes holding hands. I don't really care when others do it (as long as it's not sucking each other's faces all the time!). SBF has been supporting by feeling his way around this, and i really appreciate that. I always thought it was just the way i was; if i was straight, i'd be the same way...

..but this weekend it was different. Because SBF was busy for it all due to his dance shows all weekend, I was left with some friends celebrating PRIDE. I have to say that all i really wanted to do WAS hold hands and be affectionate with the one i love. I couldn't help but feel alone in the masses of supportive people. I just wanted to hold SBF's hand, get many big bear hugs and even get a kiss from him. That last part was shocking for me, since i think holding hands is a lot, let alone kissing!

As i surfaced at Queen St. later than night from the subway leaving the village, i was quickly reminded of the "regular" world.. and the same issues and walls reappeared. It was a pleasant suprise to not have them there, and feel free from all this self-constructed restraint. Clearly they've been there so for long i've rationalized it and forgot they were there.

Alas, the learning streak continues from each PRIDE. I hope everyone who celebrated had a good time and look forward the the next! that will be soon as i'm going to MONTREAL that week when they celebrate it; and this time SBF will be there and will be all mine :P

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

*i.e. excuse to buy a digital SLR camera! :)

Kitty Cat


So it's one day before I start my new job, and yet it still hasn't even set in that i will no longer be at my old job. I had a going away party at a pub downtown, which made me feel realy special... I enjoyed it, which was a great feeling seeing that I am not used to being the centre of attention. There were some ppl who came that I was surprised to see, which was great.

I know that the people won't like my old agency job (who smokes you up as part of the going away party?), so that definitely the biggest thing that i'll miss. I know that my new job will have some nice people, but it will never be the same. But i do like change, so having a new company w/new faces is exciting as well.

Kitty Cats
I'm currently chilling at my friends house who lives near Paupers, the pub i was at. They have become foster feline parents this year, so whenever i go over i see a new set of cute kittens they're taking care of. There is one cat they've named as "Tempura" (T for short) that unfortunately is still in their care, mainly because he has a small pelvis and has trouble going to the washroom. He needs medication and a lot of TLC, and as such i guess people dont want him. This morning I saw him crying as he tried to go to the washroom, and soon jumped out of the kitty litter in frustration. My friend had to take him downstairs and bring the litter with her to force him to go. How? Basically just putting him the basement gives him nothing else to do except tackle going to the washroom.

I'm not sure if the psychological rampifications of this health problem, as he seems really fun and loving otherwise. I almost want to just take him home myself, but given that i lost the own cat over a decade ago due to my sister being deathly allergic.. and SBF is allergic! argh!

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

My Last Day at Work!


In the past month, I have gone through a ton of stuff that I would like to write VERY soon. Part of the reason why I haven't been able to write is because I have accepted a NEW job!

That's right! No more dumping and overworking constantly. My dream of catching the 6:00PM news on TV may be realized!

I will for sure update on everything that's happened in the past 4 weeks. Today is my LAST day (it would have been 8 days ago - i will update why soon), so i'm super excited. I will miss everyone i worked with, because they great people on a personal level. how many companies have over 20GB of music at your disposal? :)



"Eat drink and be merry"

About me

  • I'm Vegasbaby
  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • My profile

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