Peering into the crowded looking glass

Party on Liberty Street

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Right now i'm at working taking a bit of a break. A nice 10 minute destress sounds good right about now! Some crazy things have popped up here at work, and my manager has to focus on these new projects. It's a good thing, since it's new business coming in that we get to work on, but the timelines are very tight so it's all about scrambling to meet the required deliverables.

I just realized that i'm writing in work mode still. ARUGH. OK. i stop now. :)

So now my manager is focusing on this, and she's really relying on me to pull the weight of the other programs that are running. It's a great opportunity for me to take this on full tilt and really expose me to everything very fast... as long as I can keep up!

Today I attended a team lunch, celebrating the success of a project that I had no part of :). Free ride baby! :). It was located at Parliament and Carlton. It was a very nice place, and the food was great! I wish i knew how they seasoned their shrimp.. MAN!

While driving down the road was blocked for 2 blocks north on Parliament, starting from Carlton. It was for a filming of a Liberty Street parade.. For those of you how don't know/remember, Liberty Street is totally NOT a street in Toronto (at least to my knowledge), but is in fact the equivelant Church Street to a television show...

...Yep, taht's right, QAF was filming!

It was funny listening to all the "I wonder what's that?," "Is this some gay festival? At this time of the year?" and "I wonder what movie their filming.. So many rainbow gay flags!". It just reminded me that QAF is coming back.. a few more months to go.

I know the now isn't very good anymore, but some pure gay content is fun to watch. :) There's nothing wrong with getting a little Brian Kinney or Mikey in your system eh? It's fun to watch w/friends, and I wonder if i'll be able to make it a social night time around. 'Course, that meant passing out on the subway ride home, but at least it gives you something to look forward to on a Monday!

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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