Peering into the crowded looking glass

Friday 27 February

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'Tis time for an update isn't it? It has been quite sometime since i've last written on my blog. I've been meaning to, but something keep popping up and i am driven away! It's sad, but i've been reading Helen's Felding's book and i'm going to write somewhat similar to her most famous character, Bridget Jones!


Friday 27 February
8 st 2 (must pack on more winter fat, else by hot summer chaps will lose me when i turn to the left), alcohol units 0 (v.g.), cannabis hits 2 (excellent), calories 2453, *69 calls 0 (v.g. does not count staring at call display monitor)

These past 2 weeks have been quite a whirlwind, i must say. Got a new job. Got a boyfriend. Got into a feminine urban fiction novel, Bridget Jones, resulting in funny looks from macho blookes and "how cute" stares from girls while in the queue for the tube. What more can I ask for?

The job these past few weeks has been v. hectic, thrown into the fray into projects mid-run and in posh client meetings. Funny, while in meetings i have a sudden urge to go in my pocket and pull out cornnuts i purchased at the local cornershop, and saying "Oh how rude of me. Care for a nut?"

My manager is absolutely smashing. She's only about 2 years older than me, so we've related on so many levels. She's wicked at her job, professional and fast paced; yet also we can chat about things like weed, the weekend and other odds and sods. So far it's good, yet i am still unsure if/when I should come out. One of her work friends is quite clearly queer (if you know what you're looking for. Not talking about the Flaming Queenie wanker who can't stop talking about random repetitive circuit music DJ), am i'm sure she's cool with it. I don't know really. Unsure on next steps. It's been only two weeks, so I mustn't think about these sort of things. I should be focusing on the job and of course spending my days thinking what I should do for weekened with new boyfriend!

I cannot believe this. V.g. indeed. It is a new leaf this year (this time I mean it), and i know i'm not very hot into things like astrological signs, however ever since the new Year Of The Monkey, everything seems to be falling into place. Note: consider picking up a few instants and lottery ticket over weekend.. I shall call him Mark Darcy, since he is a lot like him.. well, except that he isn't a human rights lawyer, dating an elitist twit named Natasha, not living in England, younger than he is..... ok, well, he is of British descent nonetheless!* (--*half british half south african). Whatever, Mark has been smashing so far, and i'm quite comfortable with him. Many things will hopefully be planned, but it's definitely quite hard finding enough time given my schedule as well as his own too.

Oh, other news. I have also got a permanent mobile (quite an oxymoron sentence, but you get the picture). Been using the family moble "pay-as-you-go-while-we-rip-the-trousors-off-your-shorts-from-deplorable-rate-and-ghastly-bill", which I am so happy to stop using. I hated feeling so rush rush when speaking, but i did learn how to speak much more efficiently.

    "I'm fine thanks--" (why waste time to say Hi/ Hi / How are you/Good/How are you?--)
    "--meet 4 sharp by old singing man on yonge/bloor bye" ---time: 3.32 s

    (I was just notified that unbeknownst to me this bloody plan bills by the minute!! Wankers !!)

Anyway, moble speedspeech days are over. FiDo has saved the day. Work has paid for my phone, and will pay for any calls I receive/make for work. Got call display so I don't pick up while at dirty club dancing the Flaming Queers (see above) and forced to answer question about product placement with manager. Lucky for me, hopefully i will be WITH my manager at club! (we can dream, can't we?)

It has been quite an eventful few weeks, with so much more to come. I have an upcoming show where my band will be performing next week, and we're getting a full four-piece out there. How great will that be? Hopefully it will be good, and we can start to fill out our sound onstage.


"eat drink and be merry"

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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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