Peering into the crowded looking glass

Spring is in the air...time to get out

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April. The spring air is among us, and I'm excited to breath it all in. Already i'm seeing so many festivals, concerts, shows, more concerts, and patios opening. After hibernation in the winter (for me especially) I am ready to get back out there to enjoy what the city has to offer.

There's shows coming up like Joel Plaskett, Dave Matthews Band, Centromatic, Death Cab/Franz, Hip w/Sadies and Weakerthans, and i just came aross singer/songwriter Josh Ritter who is playing @Mod club next week... not to mention NXNE in June.

I'm already finding out of some cool happenings in the city, some of which i've just missed. For example, I just missed a theatre production of "Stan Won't Dance" touring from the UK, described as "brutally physical, confrontational dance work Sinner, based on the true story of the bombing of a London gay bar". I found out the last show 15 mins before it started. Bah. Speaking of theatre, there will be a 1-week production of RENT coming here this spring, which is another thing I need to jump on (thanks for the heads up SBF). Oh, and there will this year's Push PULL dance production in June too! This company is mostly comprised of dancers w/other professional careers who share of passion for dance. Last years show was super entertaining and i'm positive this one will be bigger and better!

Last year I missed Contact Photo Toronto, which appearly this April's showcase focuses on photography that reflects the dramatic increase in global interconnections over the past decade. Sounds like urban photograhy to me. I missed it last year, and luckily saw a posting about it.

Oh, and my bday is this month too (not to exciting.. but still an excuse to go out).



"eat drink and be merry"

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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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