Peering into the crowded looking glass

1 week till the vote... and still undecided

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Today someone asked the burning question, "so who are you voting for?".. I honestly had no idea what to say. For some reason I wait until the last minute and then scramble to see who i want to vote for. Seeing that there's 1 week left until voting time, I should start doing reserach.

Volpe has been our MP for my riding since the late 80s. He's a retired principal who is adored by this community. He'll win again, so the question is, do I throw away my vote* or vote for the big V?

I think he's done a decent job, and to be honest until tonight I had no idea who was running for NDP/Green Party in my area. After some research it turns out that the Green Pary candidate is a TV Writer/Producer w/previous background in the insurance industry. The NDP candidate is an aboriginal court worker, with strong ties in the Urban Native community.

Unfortunately I haven't gotten any literature from them so I have no idea if..
    a) they live in the area and for how long,
    b) how they got into politics (esp. as a TV writer?),
    c) what their actual platform is!
I'v received CON/LIB literature at my door, and even their volunteers knocking... but nothing from the other 2. This is understandable given the much smaller budget and support from this area -- you ARE going to lose as long as Volpe is running :) I can't blame them.

We'll see what they say if they email me back. It would be great to see what alternative POVs they've got for my area. i'll be sure to post their reponse (if they respond).

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

*OK so I did hear that this year for each vote the party gets something like $1.25 in funding.. so at least I'll help buy 'em a cup of coffee!

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