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Writer's block continues

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So the writers block continues. I've been trying to write and play new stuff for sometime now, and nothing seems to stick. It's annoying actually since i have written a few fragmented songs this summer, but either tossed it or got bored. I can't blame not having time, since leaving my old job for one that's more managable was a goal i successfully accommplished earlier this year.

What have I been doing with my time lately? Checkint out indie bands (who is into "Final Fantasy" - holy crap i can't stop hearing about this violin guy! Geeze.), daily dose of imagery gazing, watching hockey games, chatting on MSN, watching shitty shows like "RU da Girl". Sad indeed.

On the other hand, I know i have shifted focus to other things like reconnecting with old friends, spending time with SBF, renovating my parent's basement and going to lots of concerts. So it's not all sad.

Light at the end of the tunnel: i have a framework for a song that i'm really liking. I played around with a friend the other day on it and it started to give me the bubbily feeling that I get when i've found something i like. I'm feeling the vibe on this one!

(we'll see... back to watching Tyra on her sudden quest to defeat women's body image issues and obesity, while at the same time running America's Next Top Model)


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  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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