Peering into the crowded looking glass

Dancing shoes and Pillow cases

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This weekend I did a lot of napping and dancing. I think i had 3 or 4 naps in 2 days.. plus sleeping in. What can i say, it's been a long week!

I finally made it out to a club this weekend. I went to Buddies on Sat night. I've been meaning to go but haven't gotten enough of a kick to actually go down. It's always so much "easier" to stay in, or do something less exhausting on the body/$$.

But I am really glad i went out – it turned out to be a great time! They played a lot of fun top 40s pop music, which is a good change to pounding monotonous circuit music at other clubs! Some sizzlers were Spice Girls, and a 4-in-a-row sling of Madonna/Brittany/Christina/JLO. Surrounded by saucy twinky bois who're looking to pick up other twinky boys.. oh yes, Fun times indeed. As long as you keep to yourselves and enjoy the music, it's a good time.

There were some great costumes, including Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands and the Golden Girls! There were a lot of sailor outfits (figures!). I didn't end up dressing up, and good thing b/c my idea of "prom king" was done by someone! Next year an idea would be "FOB PROM KING 2006". Heh.

Ended up going for some late night Chinese afterwards - it was like old times indeed! This time however I did feel a lot older as it seemed to mostly been drunken or stoned university students around us. I preferred the stoners since they were nice and quiet and excited to dig into their greasy food; the drunk ones, however were a lot louder and rowdy. No worries, one of them accidentally dropped a $20 by my chair--a guy said i dropped a $20 which was really nice of him, although it wasn't mine! I left it on my table incase someone actually did come around and ask if it was mine-- Somehow if i walked around asking "Did anyone drop a $20?" I think i'd get into a bit of trouble!

Today I was at Salsa class, learning some cool new moves. I got to wear SBF's jazz shoes. They remind me of running shoes: when you put them on, you have an innate desire to go running. With these shoes, i felt like dancing and spinning! Turns our we're the "model students" in the session, which is mostly b/c SBF is a dancer and makes me look good as a follower :) If it were the other way around, it would be ugly! Thankfully this time i didn't get dizzy, which i am very proud of since i did a lot of spinning today. I'm starting to spot better now which is great. Let's hope on the real dance floor i'll be able to keep it up.

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