Peering into the crowded looking glass

St. Patrick's Day


Happy (Guiness Presents:) St. Paddy's Day!

The lines to the bars were crazy and the drunks were even more ludicrous. As much as people complain about how St. Patrick's Day has really lost all it's meaning (espeically after seeing "5% irish 95% drunk" shirts out and about), I still love the feeling of general love all around the city.

Even with copious amount of alcohol and resulting dangerous levels of blood-alcohol content, the level of agressive tendancies by many stupid beer drinking boys didn't seem to coorelate. The love certainly did, and I found myself getting hugged and kissed by more men that at the gay bar down the street. I don't think i have been hugged by more men in one night; perhaps second only to PRIDE.

Traditions change as the people evolve, so why sit and complain? Enjoy it and spread the love baby!


"Eat drink and be merry"

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Canada Blooms


Over the weekend I had a free pass to the Canada Blooms show. Unfortunately I thought it was at the Ex when in fact the show was at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre!

When I finally arrived, I was a little disappointed with the show. Having just been to the Interior Design Show, I came out having seen some cool concepts and ideas for pieces to fit in my new place. I also saw a few 'avant-garde' spaces to make you think outside reality (and budget), which is something I expect at shows like this.

Not to say Blooms didn't have their own funky exhibits. But overall, most of the spaces were elegant backyard patio gardens, filled with tons of tulips and evergreens. After awhile, I had a hard time remembering which exhibit I had been to and which I still needed to see!

The clientele was exactly what I expected, skewing to older couples getting jazzed about the new gardening season. It made sense not to overdo the crazy concept garden spaces, since we can safely assume most of the people there weren't looking to put a giant 15 foot wooden neon blue/red wonderland in the middle of their garden.

I was, however, thrilled to come out with a plant for my office cubical. It's a Madagascar Dragon Tree, which I hope will help liven up my space... let's hope it will survive the dry indoor hi-rise building atmosphere. SEE MY TREE BELOW!


Eat Drink and Be Merry

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  • I'm Vegasbaby
  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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