Peering into the crowded looking glass

Weekend in Whitby

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So it's been awhile since i've written. Well, last week I spent the long weekend in the lovely place known as WHITBY! Woo hoo! Course, it was to visit my boyfriend's place of residence, parents away for the weekend.

Whitby is a fusion of all the other surrounding Toronto cities. It's a mismash all the elements of a small town: a whack of one way streets, a beaming fast food district off the highway, communting residents, reliance on 1992 daimler chrysler automobiles, white blue collar workers and of course pockets of skids. I kept thinking I was in Waterloo-no, PTBO-no, Belleville, no-Oshawa :) Unfortunately I wasn't there long enough to see if there was a popular local breakfast shop or the local Wong-Ping Chinese restaurant, but i'm sure there's got to be some! :)

Nonetheless, it was a nice town. The air was quite fresh, and the people seemed nice. I didn't really get to socialze much with them, but i'm sure they're nice people (they better be or else the yellow man might kung fu you to death!).

I spent most of my weekend at my bf's place. It was a great spaceous home, with sparkling white rugs (how do they maintain that? it's a mystery to me!), killer kitchen and music/living room. What else can i say? We watched "Motown" and "Lost In Translation." I highly recommend them!! It's all about the funk brothers! :). It was a great change b/c he doesn't have a TV at his apartment.

We also made a KILLER African spiced porkchop with assorted grilled vegetables and brown rice... Delicious indeed!

Whitby at night was nice a quiet. I like driving at night, for the first time my bf got to drive me around! It was great! I've been driving way too much lately, so it was nice to be on the other side of his car.. Plus, then i can take annoying shotgun pictures! (below)

Overall I had a wicked time in Whitby. It was so nice to cook in such an amazing kitchen (totally my mother's style! Warm yellows and blues, faux stone tiles and stainless steel and art deco. What more could my mom have asked for?

Anyway, I hope to update about some of the other recent happenings in my life soon. Work has been INSANE, and infact i don't think i've ever worked as hard at a job in my life. I don't know if ican last at this pace, so soon i hope to find some balance and get in the groove.

Take care,


"eat drink and be merry"

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