Peering into the crowded looking glass

R&G 2017


I heart craigslist


Craigslist rocks, period. Sure, you can get messed around by some people, but that's part of the package. I got a free Nintendo N64 from a friend who was moving away to london, England, thinking I would play it from time to time.

Turns out that was a mistake, since I played it once -testing it out! After a New Year's house cleaning marathon, we decided to "good will" it. But before sending it out, I thought i'd give it a shot and craigslist it. Checking out Ebay i was surprised to see some going for $50-60 bux, and decided to go for it and postied it for $50 on cragistlist.

Sure enough, I got 5 emails of people interested, and this cool rocker named Rich came by to buy it at my house. How sweet is that? woo hoo!

The iciing on the cake: I was given doubles of 4 games, and someone is potentially gonna buy 'em from me for $15. So i could end up with $65 if it all works out.

***UPDATE*** I did sell my extra N64 games so $65 is mine!



Marketing to Gay Men


With the median gay male household income at US$83,000 and mostly w/no depedendents, gay men are a marketers dream. Who can blame that they're at all the big queer event/club/magazine in town? It's not just Absolut Vodka anymore ladies and emmeniate gentlemen... The car companies, hotels and airlines are getting in on it. Notice a trend here?

Here are some clever, edgy and hilarious ads - brilliant! :)

"Power Bottom"

"Prone Position"

"Rear Impact"

"Rocket Man"

"Closet Case"

"Bed, Bath and Beyond"

for more visit here

Take care,

Antoine Feval Returns!


I just found out about a special 2-night run at the Diesel Playhouse downtown, January 27 & 28. I can't wait to see this again!

A couple of years ago, I saw a one-act play at the Toronto FRINGE festival called "Antoine Feval". It's a masterpiece by a comedian named Chris Gibbs, also known for his work on "The Power of Ignorance".

I was with my ex-SBF at the time, fringing from show to show, when he heard people talking about this one. The beauty of FRINGE is that you really don't know when you'll end up seeing over the 2-week long festival. Because of the massive range of plays and 100% random selection process of play selections for the festival, you have to rely on word-of-mouth or reviews from EYE or NOW Magazine to get to the best ones.

Anyway, we heard about this one man show being totally outstanding.. and they were correct. It's a story told from the eyes of Barnaby, a witless idiot with a great heart set in the 1800s. Baranby is the sidekick to Antoine Feval, who is the equivalent to the world famous detective sleuth Sherlock Homes.

Chris Gibbs' performance is flawlessly sharp, witty and dry. His story is bigger than one man, captivating and tickling the audience with his dry and self-depreciating humour.

He's only done this show for two nights, so check it out if you can!

Take care

"eat drink and be merry"


Updates to date


Boy, it's been a LONG time since written. I wanted to give some updates.

Turns out they are very strict on confidentiality, so i best not to keep talking about the case i was assigned. What I can say is that I was the "floor person", leading the sequestered discussion in the back room and having to call out the verdict. It was a little nerve racking to call it out, but also exciting at the same time. It's all done now, and even though they pay shit, turn your day-to-day life upsidedown and put you on an emotional rollercoaster, I'm glad I did it.

The experience showed me how different life can be outside of my own. The legal system is so different than how i function and what i'm used to. From going through security to get to work to assigned lunch hours, it reminds me of how different lives can be. Crazy.

OF course i've been checking out a bunch of concerts. I finally saw Justin Rutledge. AMAZING. It was at the horseshoe during their 60th anniversary celebration week. Ron Sexsmith guest appeared to play a couple songs with him too, which was really awesome. Justin played a 2-hr set, ending past 2AM. See a clip:

Unfortunately I don't know the name of the song. For his encore, him and the guitarist walked into the crowd, stood on the chair and did a sing-a-long w/the crowd, unplugged. Fantastic. And guess what, I've just started seeing this guy who's close friend is the owner of the Dakota. The owner is also in a band called "the beauties", and when i was out with them last week he said they're doing a show with Justin on London in mid-january. He's a friend of Justin's, and invited us out to see their show, party with them and Justin if we can make it to their London show. Serena Ryder and some other folks will be there too. We'll see if I can make it. Sounds like a really good time!

Housewarming/Holiday Party
I also had a housewarming / holiday party. Got chosen by a buzz marketing agency, and hooked me up with this Rum Kit for a new brand they are promoting. The kit is given to like 70 med-sized parties to sample the new product. You get a bottle of rum, lime, coffee grains, shot glasses, tumblers, and a stand for it all. There is this 'ritual" you do w/it: dunk a lime wedge half sugar on one side, half coffee on the other. You suck it back, then take a shot of the rum. Crazy stuff

Take care,

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About me

  • I'm Vegasbaby
  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • My profile

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