Peering into the crowded looking glass

SPOT the Groove

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My brother and I have launched a new website called It's an online concert community network that lets users post, rate and comment on shows in Toronto.

It's been an idea of mine for sometime now - a place where concert lovers can network and talk about shows. What's also cool is the rating part of the site. For ever conver listed, you can "groove it" or "lame it", thus getting a quick pulse on what people are thinking. You can also say if you're planning on going to the show, and at each concert listing, you'll find out who else is going to the show too.

The only way this site stays alive is through it's users. So please go on and register! If you don't want to seed any shows, at least comment on the bands or rank what shows you think are hot or not.

I hope to get up some flyers and advertising on some other music website to try and get users to help bring this network to life. If you know anyone, please tell them about it!

Take care,

"eat drink and be merry"

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  • I'm Vegasbaby
  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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